Mission: to preserve the Yezidi faith and empower the Yezidi people all around the world through selfless service.

Saving a Yezidi (Yazidi) Child

Helping Dilleen Live Past Age Three

Yezidis International ties up with Lantos Foundation and Sewa International to help 3 year Old Dilleen by funding part of her surgery

Dilleen Tarq Khedr is a three year old in camp Kabarto, Kurdistan, Iraq. On early August  2015, a surgery was set that her parents couldn’t afford but that could mean a difference between life and death for a child of three. She has brain tumor but the family cannot afford such amount after fleeing their homes in frenzy from ISIS. Her situation sums up the story of nearly half a million Yezidi who lost everything and in many cases even relatives and loved ones.

$2000 was donated. However by the time treatment is completed, it can cost more than $15,000. She has gone through chemotherapy, lost sight in both eyes, and the brain is swelling. Being taken outside of Iraq for treatment was suggested but so far, does not appear a possibility.  If you would like to get involved, please email us yezidipeople2014@gmail.com or donate.

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